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Xanthe's Choice [Grey River 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

  Hunter couldn’t take the credit for moving to Grey River as that had been a joint decision based on their need to be with Xanthe. And besides, the fact that they lived in the same town as their new bosses was definitely an advantage.

  When the link between them opened the night before his eighteenth birthday, it had frightened the shit out of both of them. They were both only children, so suddenly having the ability to hear another person in their heads was really fucking freaky. Hunter frowned at the memory of what happened when they had told his parents, but he didn’t want to delve too far into that extremely fucked-up memory, because it had no place in this conversation.

  This was between Hunter and his mate. Hunter shivered. That had been the first time he had ever admitted to himself that Dane was his Fated mate. Or at least one of them, because he and Dane were sure as fuck Fated to Xanthe as well.

  Dane was his. Hell, he always had been, and Hunter had loved him for as long as he could remember. Over the years, both of them had taken lovers, and both of them had enjoyed the loving attention of both men and women. Being a bisexual in the shifter world was definitely not unheard of, and Hunter knew that some shifter races embraced that as normal for their relationships. Lion shifters were not a race who looked favorably upon bisexuality or homosexuality.

  “Dane, you are my mate,” Hunter stressed the last word and watched as Dane flinched slightly, and when he raised his eyes, Hunter could see that he had shocked him. Yeah, he could have pussyfooted around the whole bond thing, but fuck that. Hunter wanted to move on with his future and that future had to be with both his mates by his side.

  “I never, ever thought I would hear you say that,” Dane said with a small smile. “After what happened that night with your parents, I figured we’d eventually part ways. I mean, who ever heard of two male lion shifters Fated as mates?”

  “Not me, that’s for sure. And I know that I thought if we just ignored it, then I couldn’t fuck it up and wouldn’t lose my best friend.”

  “I thought the same thing, Hunter. Not that I ever thought it would be you who’d fuck it up. I figured either one of us could do that. But if the Fates thought we were meant to be together, then why the hell didn’t we do something about it before now?”

  “I dunno.” Hunter took a deep breath and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Look, you know me better than anyone else on this earth. I am a mean, stubborn, dominant-as-fuck lion shifter who has ice in his veins sometimes.”

  “Dude, tell me something I don’t know,” Dane said with a grin.

  Hunter would normally grin back and the two of them would start hurling abuse at each other, but not in that moment. There was too much at stake.

  “I’m scared,” Hunter growled. Probably not the tone others would use to admit that, but Hunter hated to admit something that could be perceived as a weakness. His lion fucking hated it. Dane’s grin fell and he frowned.

  “We are both dominant as all hell, but we both know that I am the more dominant of the two of us. I’m not sure what that means for us in an intimate relationship sense. With me being dominant over you, we might have an issue. What if we have to change who we are to take this further?” Hunter wasn’t sure he had found the right words to voice his concerns, but at least they were out there.

  The three of them would have barriers to their happiness. That was a given considering the unusual nature of their triad. Hunter was going to make sure they dealt with their personal concerns before anything went any further between them.

  Dane frowned and stared warily at him. “Hunter, are you asking me if I’d be willing to be your bitch? Because I am telling you right fucking now, that is never going to happen.”

  “What! No, that’s not what I’m saying. Fuck!” This was frustrating and bordering on embarrassing. Hunter had always thought he had a certain swagger when he dealt with someone he was interested in and found attractive, but from this conversation he wasn’t so sure. And he was fucking it up with the one. Or, at least, one of the ones?

  Screw it!

  Hunter had always been a firm believer that actions spoke louder than words, and right now, considering how his words were fucking this up for him, he decided on action. Locking his gaze on the man who had been in his life and his heart for as long as he could remember, he let the attraction and heat he felt for him reflect in his gaze for the first time.

  From the way Dane’s eyes widened, then darkened with desire, he completely understood and felt the same way. In three strides Hunter had moved to stand in front of Dane, wrapped one hand behind his neck and pulled him into him, slamming his mouth against his. Dane’s arms reached around Hunter, mirroring the hold Hunter had on him and then leaned in so that the two of them were pressed tightly against each other.

  Hunter moaned as he thrust his tongue into Dane’s mouth and they devoured each other. Dane was the first man Hunter had ever kissed who was taller than him, but he never allowed it to mean he couldn’t control the kiss as he was inclined to do. Damn, kissing Dane was the most amazing feeling in the world. Hunter’s head swam with his flavor. The taste of him exploded on his tongue and he felt his dick thickening to painful proportions.

  He reveled in the fact that he could feel the hard strength of Dane’s own erection against his lower abdomen, both of them pulsing into each other and moaning at the sensations they were drawing from each other.

  Hunter bit Dane’s lower lip and sucked it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the small ache. He could feel how much Dane reveled in that slight bite of pain and displays of dominance down their link. Hunter could feel Dane’s lion for the first time. Fearing that the dominant lion would balk at his human nature submitting even in this small way to another might trigger a fight response, he went to pull back.

  Dane’s groan of need stopped him, and Hunter turned the heat up on the kiss, using the hand on Dane’s neck to turn him to an angle where Hunter could own his mouth. Hunter felt Dane shudder against him. Down their link he sensed Dane’s lion giving him what he needed, the slightest bit of submission that had Hunter’s own lion roaring with pleasure.

  Hunter slowed the kiss, and opened his eyes so he could watch Dane’s handsome face, as he continued to take small biting kisses from his mouth. The red heat of arousal had flushed his face and his blond hair was slightly mussed from Hunter’s hands. Hunter hadn’t even been aware that he had slid his hand into Dane’s hair, but he became aware of the silky strands clasped tight in his hand in that moment and loosened it.

  Dane’s eyes flew open and Hunter pulled back, drawing deep breaths. Damn, their first kiss and Hunter knew he was already addicted. They stared into each other’s eyes and Hunter was relieved that there was no discomfort or regret. There was only heat and a depth of emotion that had already been between them.

  “Well, shit, Hunter.” Dane’s voice was gravelly. “If I had known you could kiss like that I would have jumped you sooner.”

  Hunter laughed as Dane waggled his eyebrows comically.

  “It was pretty damn good, and long overdue.” All thoughts of laughter left as Hunter took a deep breath. “Do you see what I mean now, Dane? I will always fight to dominate you in some way, I can’t help it. I don’t want you to be my bitch—hell, I don’t even think it’s possible for you to submit completely to anyone. But there will be times where I will need to exert dominance over you, and I am fucking scared shitless that you will resent that or take it as a sign of aggression or that I’m not crazy about you or some such shit.”

  When Dane froze in his arms Hunter’s blood pressure reached critical. Jesus, had he fucked it up already?

  “Hunter,” Dane said as he shook his head. “Would you stop thinking that the other fucking shoe is going to drop? I get that you are more dominant than me. But look at that kiss just now. My lion and I both loved the way you took over when you kissed me. It’s a fucking turn-on for me that the man I want as a lover and a partner can demand a little submission to a point wh
ere I am more than happy to give it to you. We will always be partners in everything in our lives and especially our relationship with each other and with Xanthe.

  “Jesus, Hunter, we have been partners since we were eight years old, and I helped you beat the shit out of Jimmy Dunlap, Reece and Seamus O’Riley, and Andrew Carlisle for being dumb enough to think they could take you four on one. We will always be partners, but from now on, partners in every sense of the word. You said just now you are crazy about me. Did you mean it?”

  Hunter knew the best way for Dane to see just how crazy he was about Dane was for him to see and feel it for himself, so Hunter reached for Dane down their link and opened to him completely. Dane’s quick inhalation told Hunter he was not expecting it. Hunter sent him everything, projected everything he felt and thought about the big man who stood before him. A man who’d had his back all his life and was now so entrenched in who Hunter was as a man that he could never live without him.

  “Hunter,” Dane whispered, then reciprocated and Hunter almost went to his knees at the level of feelings and emotions that swarmed down their link. Hunter felt Dane’s need to protect him, but also his absolute belief that Hunter would be there to do the same for him. Dane had come to the realization that his emotions for Hunter were true and real the day Baxter had shot them both full of Jax. Hunter had taunted Baxter that day, deliberately goading him, getting Baxter to focus his attention completely on him.

  Dane had tried to get Baxter’s attention but the drug had affected him fast, which meant that Hunter had taken a larger dose of Jax than Dane had. Hunter had never realized how close to death he had been, but Dane had and fed him strength down their bond, which was something that only truly Fated mates could do.

  “Okay,” Hunter said as he pulled Dane into his arms, hugging him so tight he could feel his heart beating against him.

  “Okay, what?” Dane said as he returned the hug.

  “Okay, we’re partners in every sense of the word from this moment on.” Hunter grinned a truly wicked grin and watched as Dane’s eyes darkened again. Fuck, he was easy to arouse! “I will do everything in my power, when we are fucking each other into the mindless oblivion that I know will come when the two of us lose control and take each other like we need to, to earn those subtle signs of submission that will have me roaring with pleasure. Because once I have them, I will make sure I pleasure you so damn well you’ll jump at the chance to do it again.

  “And just so you know, if you ever put yourself in danger because of me again, we are going to tangle in a not-so-nice way. You and Xanthe are everything to me, and the thought of either of you putting yourselves in danger because of me makes me fucking crazy.”

  Dane raised an eyebrow, a hint of challenge flashing in his blue eyes, and Hunter felt his dick twitch. “We’ll see who does the jumping there, Hunter. Can you imagine what we’ll be like when we add Xanthe into the mix?”

  Hunter’s head suddenly whirled with the possibilities of the three of them. Every image, every scene that flashed through his mind, had him shuddering with need. He had to take a slight step back from Dane to relieve the pressure on his painfully engorged cock for fear that he would come in his pants like a teenager, he was so damn near close to coming.

  “To make that a reality, we’ve got some work to do.” Hunter stepped back from his mate to give them both a little breathing space. “Xanthe admitted to having feelings for us, which is a great place to start.”

  “Yeah, but she thinks it’s just an echo of what we feel for each other.” Dane started pacing, which Hunter knew he did when he was processing information looking for an answer. “We’re going to have to get her to believe that what she is feeling is all about the connection we have with her and she has with us. That what she is feeling is our connection and mating bond.”

  Hunter nodded in agreement. He and Dane had already acknowledged that the mating bond had snapped between the three of them the night they had first met, and it had strengthened over the past four months, even though Xanthe was unconscious for the majority of it. When Hunter looked within himself and followed the bond that linked him to Xanthe, and it ended behind a barrier. True, the barrier between them was weakening, but the fact that it was there in the first place was frustrating the hell out of him.

  “I’ve got it!” Dane said excitedly and turned to face Hunter with determination flashing in his eyes. “It’s simple. And after talking with Noah, Chris, Cody, Ty, and just about every other bonded and mated male in this goddamn town, I know it works. You and I, Hunter Reed, are going to court our mate!”

  Chapter 5

  Xanthe held little Mateo on her lap, loving that the little man would reach up periodically and pat her on the cheek. It was almost as if he had a sixth sense and knew that she needed a little comforting. She knew that whatever was happening next door was for the best. Hunter and Dane were Fated mates and destined to be together.

  She felt a connection with the two of them from the moment she woke up and recognized them as hers. It was almost as if a part of her that had always been in darkness had suddenly stepped into the light and pointed at the two shifters and then said, “Mine!” When she learned that they were two lion shifters who worked for an agency who hunted rogue shifters she felt a tremendous wave of pride—lion pun intended.

  When she found out that it was tracking Baxter that brought the men to Grey River and effectively the cause for them meeting she was almost thankful for the insane bastard. Almost, but not quite. She was still pretty damn glad to hear that Baxter was no longer breathing and he had met his end at the hand of Rowena’s mates.

  During the time since that first connection between them struck, she had entertained thoughts that she would be the center of that triad, the female that was bound to them both in a way that cemented them together as a unit. She imagined what it would like to be the linchpin of a triad, and have two men dote on her and love her like she longed to be loved. But apparently she wasn’t loved.

  She had seen the way the two men would look at each other now and then when they thought that no one was looking. The raw need she had seen but convinced herself was a trick of the light had her heart aching for them. When she would detect hesitation coming from them on a bond she now knew she simply wanted so much, she actually imagined a connection that wasn’t there. She had managed to convince herself that it had more to do with them needing her and not knowing how to proceed, and nothing to do with the need they had for each other.

  “Here you go, Xanthe,” Angel said as she placed the hot cup of coffee in front of her and a huge slice of black forest gateaux that Xanthe hadn’t ordered. When she looked at Angel quizzically, Angel grinned. “When you walked in here, you looked like you had just lost your best friend. Then when I think about that whole thing with your sister, I figured that chocolate was a way to heal a little and indulge for a moment and push the pain aside until you’ve finished.”

  “Thanks, Angel,” Xanthe said softly as she handed the little boy to his mother. She smiled when he squealed and wrapped his chubby little arms around Angel. “If I’m going to push aside the issues I have crawling around in my head at the moment, then I am going to need more cake.”

  Angel smiled gently at her. “Luckily, I have access to a lot of cake. Take your time and let me know if I can help in any way. I don’t know what it is like to lose a sister, but I do know what it’s like to struggle with being the mate of two dominant shifters who tend to forget I am a strong independent woman who can help fight in all their battles, just as they fight in mine.”

  “I would happily take that advice if that were my problem.” Xanthe took a deep breath and gently shifted the cake into the middle of the table, losing her appetite for it as she fought the tears she felt building. “Hunter and Dane have found their mate. That part is true. But that person is not me.”

  Angel’s eyes widened in shock.

  “I thought I was,” Xanthe said, “and just among me, you, and that gorg
eous little boy of yours, I had really, really hoped that I was. Because I’m falling in love with them so damn fast my head is spinning. I know it’s not going to end the way I want it to.”

  “Xanthe, baby.” Dane’s voice came from behind her. “You are not alone in the falling-in-love department.”

  Xanthe felt her mouth drop in shock. Oh hell, had they heard her basically flay open her chest and throw her heart on the table, declaring it theirs and no longer hers? They were shifters. Of course they damn well heard. Xanthe closed her eyes against the pain, not even opening them when she heard Angel whisper, “It’ll be okay, Xanthe. I don’t have to have the ability to read minds to tell you that.”

  She didn’t even open them when she sensed Hunter and Dane join her in her booth, either. It was at the back of the café area and the large counter at the front of the café afforded them a little privacy.

  Please let me fall back into a coma.

  Right now, God.

  Now would be good.

  Cracking open one eye to concerned looks on the two men that peered closely at her, she knew her prayer had gone unanswered, as always. Damn it! Sighing, she opened her eyes, thinking it was probably best just to get this conversation over with.

  “Dane’s right, Xanthe.” Hunter leaned forward as he spoke and placed his hand on hers where it lay on the café table. “We fell for you hard and fast, babe. One moment we were two hard-ass Enforcers on the trail of another rogue shifter, and then we caught your scent and everything in us screamed that you were ours.”

  “And what you said in your shop just before?” Dane added as he leaned in and swept her long blond hair over her shoulder. “You were right about that, too. Somehow the Fates have gifted me with something extremely precious— two incredible people as my mates.” He looked up and smiled at Hunter. When Hunter returned it with nothing but joy and happiness in his eyes, Xanthe began to think that perhaps there was a way for this to end well. “Hunter and I bonded almost fifteen years ago, but because of reactions we received at the time that we would rather not go into right now, we decided to ignore it.”