Remembering Melaina Page 9
“Baby,” Grant whispered as he cupped her cheek, “you have more than earned the right.”
Melaina shook her head emphatically. “No, I haven’t, but I will.”
Kyle grunted a disagreeing sound, before starting forward again. “Blue Eyes, there is a lot the three of us need to talk about, but we sure as shit aren’t doing it here. Let’s just get the fuck outta here and find a way out of these damn things.”
Melaina reached into the pocket of the hooded sweatshirt she wore and pulled out a strange-looking, tubular turnkey. “Oh, did I forget to tell you that I do actually have the key?”
Grant grinned, shaking his head in amazement at the woman the fates had deemed him worthy of, and he wasn’t so sure he was. “As soon as all of this is behind us, and we have convinced you that your future lies with us, we’re going to ask you to stay with us.”
“And we will definitely be asking you to marry us,” Kyle added and Grant nodded in agreement.
Melaina settled in against Kyle and held her hand out to Grant, and when he wrapped her small hand in his, he felt another crack within his heart heal. “And someday,” she said through a watery smile, “I am going to give you both an answer I’m sure we will all be very happy with.”
Grant couldn’t wait.
Chapter Ten
“I’m not sure how much longer I can wait,” Grant muttered as he threw himself down on the ugly, upholstered chair in their motel room. Although Kyle commiserated and understood exactly what he was going through, it didn’t stop him from laughing at his brother’s frustration. After all, that was what older brothers were for. Even if they were only older by four minutes, it was their god given right to remind their younger twin sibling of that fact as much as possible.
“See, that’s the trouble with the youth of today. You have no patience or stamina.”
Grant narrowed his eyes and flipped him off. “Fuck you, Kyle. You’re just as in need of our mate as I am. Hell, after four days and nights without that fucking collar on, I’m feeling pretty close to a hundred percent.”
Kyle felt the same way. He and Grant had started healing only hours after Melaina removed those collars, and he had been getting the odd echo of thought from Grant and Melaina that afternoon, which told him that his mind was healing just as well as his body. The toxins the fuckers had pumped him full of had started to wane and he didn’t think it would be long until he and Grant would be able to call upon their wolves again.
Kyle was sitting on one of the two king-size beds in the room with his back against the wall. They had been holed up in this motel since they’d left, resting and giving Melaina time to heal. The first twenty-four hours had been fucking horrible. It had almost been like she’d gone through some kind of detox. Probably from the chemicals her father and her fucktard doctor had been pumping her full of. She’d shaken and sweated, crying out every now and then in her sleep for almost twenty hours straight.
When she awoke, she was starving and still looked so damn fragile and fatigued. They’d fed her, and her body had been so weak that they’d had to help her in the shower. It was a testament to how worried he was about her that the sight of her naked with water streaming down her body never even made his dick twitch. She’d gone back to bed and slept for a further ten hours. Thankfully, when she woke up the second time she was so much better. There was color in her cheeks and her eyes were clear.
That had been two days ago. He and Grant had shared one bed and given the other one to Melaina. They were all very much aware that Aristos would be out there, planning and searching for them, and staying out of his way would have proved more difficult if their mate had not been the super spy, plan-for-every-contingency type of girl. The morning they left the facility, she had directed them to a bank in town where she had a safety deposit box that had money, identification in an alternate name, a burner phone, and keys to a car she owned. Once they collected her car from the long-term parking lot at the airport, they had checked into an airport motel and not moved for the next four days.
“I know what you mean,” Kyle admitted. “Seeing her sleeping so damn close to us, her scent now strong and true filling the room…makes it hard as fuck to sleep.”
Grant groaned as he leaned his head back against the wall with a thump. “Don’t say hard and fuck in the same sentence when our mate is through that door, naked in the shower. That’s just cruel.” Kyle’s gaze flew to the bathroom door as their freshly showered mate walked out into the room with a soft laugh.
“You guys think I don’t feel the same damn thing?” Melaina said as she moved closer to the bed she’d been using, the white fluffy robe the motel had supplied wrapped around her. “I may not have been myself for these past four weeks, but I still felt like there was something that was missing. I never felt complete. I would wake up in the middle of the night reaching for someone or something that would make me feel safe. Make me feel whole.”
Kyle stood up from the bed and moved toward her. He watched her gaze fall to his chest and was glad he hadn’t pulled a shirt on after his own shower. “That had to have been Pepper, right? It couldn’t have been me and Grant.” Kyle frowned in confusion at the sad look that swept over their mate’s face and her gaze dropped to the floor.
Grant stood up from his chair and moved to stand beside him. “Baby, what’s got you looking so sad?”
Melaina took a deep breath, as if steeling herself, then lifted her gaze. “I know why you would think that. I mean, I forced you both into claiming me so that I had a backup plan to get Pepper to safety if I needed it. Or at least, that had been my plan.”
“No,” Kyle was quick to deny, “that wasn’t why I asked at all.”
Melaina smiled sadly, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Lie. Some truth for sure, but a definite thread of a lie,” she whispered, her tone so sad it made his heart ache.
Kyle tensed as he thought about whether there had been any of that on his mind when he asked the question. There might have been an element of that to the question—hell, there had to have been for her to sense that he hadn’t been completely truthful—but it was more than that.
He couldn’t stand the lost look on her face, and when he saw tears shimmering in her beautiful blue eyes, he couldn’t stand it any longer. He moved quickly to sit on the end of the bed she stood beside and pulled her gently into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. Grant moved to sit at his side, pulling Melaina’s legs onto his lap.
“There may be truth to that, Blue Eyes. And as much as I know and understand your reasons behind it, the hurt still lingers there. But it is getting less and less each day. If the situation had been reversed and I had to do something to save my brother, then I would do it. If you sensed that I wasn’t telling the complete truth, it had more to do with me thinking your need for Pepper outweighed your want for me and Grant. Does that make sense?”
Melaina swept a tendril of her hair behind her ear with a sniff and nodded. “Yeah, I think so. You believe that I was more motivated to get to Pepper than I was for anything else.”
Kyle squeezed her in his arms a little tighter. “Yeah, I do, and that’s okay, baby. We get it, and we love the fact that you love your family so much. Grant and I can’t wait for the day we are counted among those you love.”
Melaina’s eyes softened as she placed her left hand over his, and reached for Grant’s hand with her right. “I can assure you both, that day is very much already here. I was motivated to get to Pepper. That’s true, but it wasn’t her I was reaching for in the night. It wasn’t her I turned to for reassurance, strength, and comfort in the dark moments. It was you. The two of you and the bond we have, that was where I found my solace, and ultimately where I found my strength and myself. I do want you, both of you, in every sense of the word. But I very much need you, too. That need is just as powerful, just as all-consuming as my need to keep my sisters safe.”
Kyle’s heart swelled with her words, and he felt the same humbling awe down the link to
his brother. With a groan of need, Kyle leaned in and took her mouth with his. He had started out with the intention of going slowly. To let things build a little before he took over and devoured her, ensuring that she knew exactly how much he wanted and needed her through the power of that kiss. But as soon as their lips met, it was like a flame to gasoline.
Desire erupted within him, and he went straight into the deep, uncontrollable kiss of a man to his woman. He felt her tremble and the scent of her arousal perfumed the air almost immediately, and he knew her arousal had spiraled out of control almost as fast as his. Pulling back before he lost all control, he leaned back as Grant swooped in, pulling her off Kyle’s lap and lifting her up to straddle Grant’s hips. Kyle stood quickly, never taking his eyes off their mate as she leaned into Grant’s kiss and removed the rest of his clothing.
Naked, he strode over to the front door, making one last check of the car park. Then he grabbed the Glock that Melaina had stashed in her deposit box, placed it on the bedside table, and moved back to where his mate was now lying over Grant and the two of them were moving in sync, groaning mutual sounds of pleasure as they rolled their hips against each other.
With a grin of mischief, he reached out and slapped Melaina’s ass, not hard, but just enough to get a reaction. She pulled away from Grant with a gasp of shock and turned to stare at him over her shoulder. Desire and need glittered in her beautiful blue eyes and he winked at her.
Her eyes narrowed. “What the hell was that for?”
Kyle plucked her off his now growling brother who mumbled something about cock-blocking older brothers and stood her up beside the bed. “That was because your ass is distinctly slappable. It is pert, and round, and just fucking made for our hands. In the very near future, we will be spanking you for some of the thoughts you had about us, but from the look of pure lust on your face just now, and the fact that the room is filled with the heady scent of your arousal, I am betting you are going to love the hell out of it!”
Setting her on her feet beside the bed, he kissed her, slowly, just like he had planned to before her taste had him losing control. He released the tie on the bathrobe, and slowly drew the robe from her shoulders. When his hands touched the bare skin of her tummy, he pulled back, his gaze automatically dropping.
“Sweet mother of all things holy,” he whispered as he lifted a hand that shook slightly to cup her bare breast. When he ran his thumb over the deliciously pert, pink nipple, loving how quickly it reacted to his touch by growing stiffer, and the groan of need the move drew from their mate, his heart rate climbed.
Grant moved to stand behind her, placing his head on her shoulder and reaching around to cup her breasts. “Jesus, baby, you are so damn beautiful, my heart fills to overflowing whenever I look at you.”
Melaina tilted her head, making room for Grant’s mouth as he licked and nibbled down the sensitive skin of her neck. She reached her hands up and over her head to clasp Grant’s head to her, but her gaze never left his.
“I love the way you touch me,” she murmured in a low voice filled with heat and sin. “The touch of your skin against mine makes me burn. When you look at me and I see what you feel for me shining so brightly in your eyes, it makes me ache.”
Kyle reached out and began to drag the backs of his fingers down her chest. “Where does it make you ache, Blue Eyes? Here?” he asked when his fingers reached the firm skin of her abdomen. Melaina swallowed audibly and shook her head. He continued his journey down her body, moving his fingers slower, dragging out the anticipation and the pleasure for them both.
Melaina groaned, arching her back and pressing her breasts into Grant’s hands, and Kyle saw that he was rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, all the while licking and nibbling her neck. “You like Grant’s mouth on you, love?”
Melaina was panting now, and she nodded her head. “Yes! God, yes, it feels so good, but it makes me ache even more.”
Kyle grinned as he finally reached the bare skin of her pussy, reveling in the shiver she gave before she rolled her hips forward, begging for his touch. “I’m guessing that the ache is here, isn’t it, love?” Melaina mewled and nodded again. “Grant and I are your mates and it is our job to ensure that you are never hurt, never left unsatisfied, and always happy. So what would you say to Grant putting his mouth here, to ease that ache for you?”
Grant’s growl told Kyle he was more than happy with that idea. Kyle figured it was only fair that Grant be the one to taste their mate first tonight, after all he’d had the pleasure of being the first to feel her come against his tongue. Melaina’s whimper was definitely a sign that she was on board with the idea as well, and as for him? Well, he figured she’d need something to keep her occupied while his brother rocked her world, and he had just the thing to do it.
* * * *
Melaina’s entire body felt like it was on fire. Try as she might, she couldn’t get her heart rate to steady and her breathing was more of a pant than if she had been running for the past thirty minutes, all from a few touches and the promise of so much more. The glitter of arousal and need in both Kyle and Grant’s eyes told her that they were just as turned on as she was.
Kyle moved to the side of the bed, gently tugging her to him and urging her up onto the bed. “I want you to kneel up on the bed, baby. Grant’s gonna slide up under you and make you feel really good.”
Melaina rushed to do what Kyle asked and looked down between her legs to watch as Grant slid between her thighs. She thought she should have been embarrassed in that position. There was literally nowhere to hide. Grant would be getting a grand old view of her pussy and the thought of that had her body releasing more of her cream.
“Fuck,” Grant whispered almost reverently. “I can see how much you want us, baby. Your fucking pussy is simply dripping with cream.”
Despite the fact she felt the mattress move, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from Grant as he reached up and slid his fingers down her pussy, getting his fingers wet with her juices and making her moan in need. She would have thought his touch might have helped to ease some of the tension within her, but if anything, it simply made her burn even more. When Grant wrapped his hands around her hips, encouraging her to spread her legs wider and drop down toward his face, she was helpless to resist.
“Oh, God!” She couldn’t help crying out when his mouth locked on to her pussy and he pushed his tongue inside her. Within moments, she was trembling with the urge to come and slowly rocking her hips over his mouth and tongue.
A tug on her hair had her gaze lifting from the delicious sight between her thighs and up to Kyle, who knelt before her, his cock bouncing slightly in front of her. “Don’t forget about me, Blue Eyes.” Melaina licked her lips as what he was suggesting registered and she clamped down on the orgasm brewing within her, wanting to spend some time giving pleasure whilst she received it.
Gripping the base of Kyle’s cock with her left hand, she gave him two hard strokes, loving the warm, satiny feel of his skin over the steel strength of his erection. “Fuck, baby, don’t tease,” Kyle groaned, flexing his hips toward her. “Suck me, get me nice and wet.”
Not waiting to be told twice, Melaina slid the head of his cock between her lips and didn’t stop until she felt him bump against the back of her throat. Concentrating and fighting her gag reflex, she swallowed around him.
“Shit!” Kyle cried out, his hands locking into her hair. “Damn, Blue Eyes, that feels so fucking good.”
Melaina settled into a rhythm when she would swirl her tongue around the head of Kyle’s cock before swallowing as much of him as she could, all the while, groaning and keening her pleasure as Grant’s mouth drove her body higher and higher.
“Fuck, goddamn it!” Kyle growled, and she tasted the precum that was steadily dripping from his cock. “Grant, send her over. I want to come inside her.”
Melaina frowned slightly when he pulled away from her. “Hey, I was enjoying that. I want—fuck!” Melaina�
�s head flew back and her eyes rolled into her head when Grant sucked her clitoris into his mouth. She hovered on the brink of orgasm for a short moment, then with one flick of his talented tongue, Grant threw her into a screaming orgasm that had her seeing stars behind her closed lids. He stayed with her, taking everything she had to give him until she sagged, almost falling flat on her face when her arms threatened to give out.
Kyle reached for her then, pulling her up and off the mattress for a moment, slamming his mouth to hers. The kiss was one of dominance, one that she reacted to immediately by melting into Kyle’s arms and wrapping her legs around his hips. He shuffled back off the bed until he stood at the foot. Then he leaned down, placing her gently on the edge of the bed.
He released her mouth with a groan and pulled back. The arctic blue of his wolf flickered in his eyes and she smiled up at him. “Do you know how hot you look when your wolf is just below the surface?”
Kyle grinned at her as he wrapped his hands under her thighs and tugged her forward so that her ass hung off the bed. “It can’t be any hotter than the sight of you spread out all naked and gorgeous, all that beautiful, silky black hair spread behind you, and your skin still rosy from the orgasm that shook you just moments before.”
Kyle’s hands were still wrapped beneath her thighs, and she complied when he tugged them so that they were pressed together. She brought her knees together and pulled them close to her chest. From the look on Kyle’s face, the move was exactly what he was after. He placed one hand on the back of her thighs and used his other hand to align his cock with her pussy. When she felt the persistent push of his head against her, she moaned, flattening her back as much as she could to get the right angle. Then he was pressing inside her.
“Oh, Kyle,” she groaned as he pressed into her in one steady push.