The Trouble with Parris [Grey River 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8
“You have a body that should be worshiped. And that’s what I’m going to do, right now.”
Rhys tugged her shoulders back so that she was nestled up against his chest with her hips pressing forward. Parris looked down and watched with a sense of anticipation building to critical within seconds as Jase leaned into her. She shivered at the look in his eyes, just before he placed his mouth against her sex.
“Oh, my!” Parris squeaked as Jase ran the flat of his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top. Her breathing became choppy and she whimpered when he swirled his tongue over her clit. She felt her pussy gush hot liquid, and from the growls of pleasure coming from Jase, he was enjoying taking it from her.
“Fuck,” Rhys growled against her neck. “I can smell your arousal on the air. Damn, darlin’, I have never been more jealous of my brother than I am right this minute.”
Jase pulled back for a moment and looked up, his lips glistening with her cream. He grinned then winked at her as he licked her cream from his lips. “You should be, brother. Our mate is fucking delicious!” Then he dove back in.
Parris felt like she was holding a live wire. She could no longer control her body. Jase strove to drive her out of her mind with the quick flick of her tongue against her clit and the long sweeps through her the sensitive lips of her pussy with the flat of his tongue. Rhys reached around and began to pluck at her nipples while he bit and sucked on the sensitive skin of her neck. Within seconds, she was sobbing both their names and shuddering hard as an orgasm threatened to overwhelm her.
Just as she was about to cry out that she couldn’t take anymore, Jase sucked her clit into his mouth, and she plunged from the edge of sanity and into the turbulence of ecstasy. Unable to form a coherent word, Parris simply screamed her pleasure to the room as she shook and trembled through the orgasm. Her mind shattered, and it took a few moments for it to clear enough for her to comprehend that she was no longer standing but lying on the makeshift bed she had created in front of the fire she had lit and was currently sprawled across a naked Jase—a very naked and aroused Jase. At the feel of his erection pressed between them, Parris’s own arousal started to swell again. She should have been shocked at how fast her body seemed to go from satisfied to needy, but the need was so damn strong that she just couldn’t seem to care.
She felt movement at her side, and then Rhys lay down equally as naked as she and Jase and reached out to run his hand down her back. “Hey, you back with us now, darling?”
She felt and heard Jase laugh softly. “You passed out there for a moment, sweetness.”
There was no missing the smug male satisfaction in his voice, and Parris narrowed her eyes. She pushed up so that she straddled him with her palms pressed to his chest. She loved the flash of fire in his eyes.
“Just for a moment,” Parris admitted, and she almost didn’t recognize her own voice. Its husky harshness was probably a result of her screaming their names at the top of her lungs just moments before. But there was a sultry tone to it she had never heard before. “And now, I think it’s my turn to see if I can’t return the favor.”
Parris moved to sit up on Jase. Her every intention was to bluster her way through the next part and hopefully hide the fact that she had no clue what she was doing. However, as soon as she was upright, all her sultry confidence fled, replaced by indecision and no small amount of anxiety.
* * * *
Jase’s eyes crossed as Parris sat up, the move causing her to rub her pussy along the hard length of his erection. He fought to control the urge to slam his hips up and drive himself home within her. As he looked up at the woman who was quickly claiming every single piece of his heart, he saw indecision in her eyes. She began to nibble on her bottom lip, and he froze. Was she having second thoughts? Christ!
Taking a deep breath and thinking every unsavory and unsexy thought he could potentially think of, he raised his hand and cupped her soft cheek. “What is it, sweetness? What’s causing those shadows in your beautiful green eyes?” Jase felt Rhys tense beside him.
“Parris? Are you okay, darlin’?”
Parris took a couple of deep breaths, and Jase could see she was struggling to hold back her tears. “I’m scared,” she whispered.
Jase felt his blood run cold. He shot a quick look at Rhys, but judging by the panic he read on Rhys’s face, no saving grace was going to come from him.
Jase sat up with her on his lap, ignoring the spike of pleasure he felt as she wriggled back slightly to make room for him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and stroked his hands up and down her spine. “Of what, Parris? Have we done something that’s frightened you?”
Parris’s quick reply stilled the dread he had felt building within him.
“No, nothing you have done has frightened me. Well”—a shy smile graced her beautiful face—“that’s not entirely true. The speed and intensity of that orgasm was a little frightening, but in the most delicious way.”
Rhys reached out and swept a few silken strand of her hair out of the way. Parris turned slightly so she could see both him and Rhys at the same time. “It was pretty damn intense to watch it, too, love. The way you gave yourself to us was so fucking hot, and then to see you go over so damn hard. Jesus, you almost had me coming right then with you.”
Parris lowered her chin slightly and looked up at then from beneath lowered lashes. “That was my first ever orgasm with someone else in the room,” she whispered.
Later, if anyone asked for the exact moment Jase fell in love with his mate, he would think of this moment. He would never divulge it to anyone because this moment was theirs and no one else’s, but he would always remember this moment for what it was. Parris taking him and Rhys completely into her heart and trusting them with the most intimate information in a woman’s life.
“Wait, are you telling us none of the men you’ve been with ever took the time to make sure you came? Or that you’ve never been with anyone before?” Rhys asked with a frown.
Jase shook his head. Rhys had always had trouble with his internal filter. “Rhys,” Jase said with a sigh. “Think about it, brother. Parris has told us a little about her life up until this moment. She was taken and lived under the iron hand of two controlling men who forced her through treatments and procedures to develop psychic abilities that wouldn’t have otherwise come naturally. When do you think she had time to fucking date?”
Parris giggled on his lap, and Jase tightened his arms around her slightly. Damn, he loved that sound.
“Oh,” Rhys said with a wry grin. “Well, yeah, I guess that does make sense. Although, in my defense, I have just witnessed one of the hottest fucking things in my life and am really hoping that I get to make love to the woman I love in a few short moments, so you can’t blame me for not firing on all cylinders.”
Jase narrowed his eyes at the shit-eating grin his brother sent him. “It won’t be a few short moments, you asshole.”
Again Parris giggled, and Jase turned to stare into her eyes, pleased to see no sign of the shadows that had lurked there only moments before. “Parris, you hold all the cards. You set the tone and the timing. If you are not ready for this then we understand.”
Parris was already shaking her head, and wrapping her arms around his neck. “No, I want this, and I want this now. I have never had anyone look at me the way you two do. There was this one guard. His name’s was Wheeler.”
The shadows were back, and a frown formed on Parris’s face. Both had his wolf on edge and Jase immediately thought of the faded scars that marred her beautiful skin.
“He would look at me in a way that had my skin crawling. But I don’t want to think of him or that time right now. I want…”
“What, darling?” Rhys whispered from beside them.
“Tell us, my love,” Jase said quietly. “Whatever is it you want, we will make sure you have it.”
Parris looked up. “I want both of you. Now. Tonight. I want you to make lo
ve to me and show me what it means to let someone in, and simply let go.”
Jase felt his heart ache at the emotion he heard in her voice. Their little mate had seen so much of the bad in her life. It was up to him and his brother to ensure that all she experienced from this moment on was the good. He knew from the feelings that echoed his own determination coming down the link he shared with his brother that Rhys felt the same way.
“Then, sweetness,” Jase said as he turned and laid her on the makeshift bed, “that is exactly what you are going to get.”
Jase leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. When he nibbled on her bottom lip, in a romantic parody of her movements from earlier, she smiled. As soon as she gasped, he struck, sliding his tongue between her lips.
He moaned at the taste of her exploding in his mouth. She tasted exactly like the exotic mix Xanthe had put together for her. He groaned when she sucked gently on his tongue, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have her sucking on his cock. That was something he was determined to find out, sooner rather than later.
Jase pulled back slightly, and she opened her eyes to look up at him. “You are so damn beautiful. Now that we know you’re a virgin, we want to make sure that you never regret our decision to give yourself to us. And that means making sure you are ready for us to take you.”
He pressed a hard kiss to her lips before he began to kiss his way down her. She gasped and whimpered when he paused at her breasts and ran a slow lick over each of the nipples.
“Damn,” Jase growled. “The taste of that stuff is fucking addictive.” He moved farther down her body, but her face was soon lost to him as his brother leaned forward toward their mate.
Jase knew exactly what Rhys had in mind. He was going to distract her a little, and then the two of them were going to drive her crazy with pleasure.
“Jase and I are going to make a meal out of you, Parris. And all you have to do is lie there and enjoy it.”
Rhys leaned down, and Jase could see the two of them exchanging a passionate kiss. While she was distracted, Jase gently nudged her thighs apart, and Parris, lost in Rhys’s kiss, immediately complied, dropping her knees wide open. Where ordinarily she might have been a little nervous at showing him her pussy in all its swollen pink glory, right at this moment, she didn’t seem to care, at least not until Jase placed his mouth against her pussy and licked her.
“Ummmph!” Parris yelped, or at least she tried to. The sound was swallowed by Rhys.
The sounds she made had his cock hardening even further, and Jase was determined to drive her over the edge as fast as he could. He swirled the tip of his tongue around her clit and loved when she whimpered at the sensation. When he pressed a finger into her pussy, she pulled her mouth from Rhys, arched her back and cried out.
Jase began to gently fuck her with his finger, sliding it in and out of her. With each movement, he felt her body tightening in preparation for release.
“Jesus,” he heard Rhys growl. “The look on your face, darlin’, makes me wish I were the one with his mouth on your pussy giving you all that pleasure.”
“You-you’re part of it,” Parris managed to squeak out between gasping in great gulps of air. Jase flicked her tongue against her clit, and she arched her back again.
Jase stayed with her, a constant growl rumbling in his chest as he licked her through her orgasm and back down to just a simmering arousal. He pulled his mouth from her and stalked his way up her body. When he reached her mouth, he leaned down and kissed her hard, no doubt sharing the taste of her arousal with her.
He pulled back slightly and then pressed his forehead to hers. “You taste so goddamn addictive, sweetness.”
Jase could hear the harsh arousal in his voice, and his breathing was choppy. Parris look up at him, and the smile she bestowed on him made him feel like he could leap tall buildings with a single bound. Unwilling to wait another moment, Jase gently rolled his hips against hers, and she lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips.
“Take me, Jase,” Parris whispered as she reached up to place her hands on his shoulders. “Make me yours, my wolf.”
And that was all it took. Jase growled as his control cracked, and he flexed his hips, pushing the head of his cock against her swollen pussy. He gritted his teeth to remain in control as much as he could. He groaned as he slipped passed her entrance, and the head of his cock was surrounded by her wet heat, he pressed in a little more, before he withdrew. Parris inhaled sharply, and Jase froze.
“Damn, Parris, have I hurt you, baby?”
Parris frowned as she opened her eyes and locked her gaze with his. “No, I–I’m fine. I just need you to…um…well…”
Jase hesitated and mentally prepared himself to pull out completely. He was nowhere near to being buried as deep as he longed to be within her, but he would pull out and work with her through whatever was holding her back until she was as needy as he was.
“Jase…I’m not sure…screw it! Jase, I need you to move. Harder and faster. Baby, I know you are holding back for fear of hurting me, but I’m feeling nothing right now but need. Please!”
Jase growled as her plea spurred him into action, and he thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt with one quick jerk of his hips. He held still for a moment, waiting for her to give him a sign that she was with him, and he didn’t have to wait long. A few moments later, Parris was rolling her hips as much as she could against him, and sliding her hands over his shoulder. At the slight sting of her nails pressing into his shoulders, Jase knew she was very much with him.
Jase started a slow and steady rhythm that soon had her panting. He felt her pussy quiver around his cock, and he moaned at the rippling sensation of her inner muscles.
“Fuck, Parris. You feel so fucking amazing beneath me, around me.” Jase started to lose his rhythm, and try as he might, he could get it back. Soon he was simply slamming into her in hard and fast jerks of his hips. Parris started to cry out and sob as her climax approached. Jase gritted his teeth in determination to see her go over one more time before he gave into his own powerful release.
Pushing up slightly, he slid his hand down her body. “Fucking hell, I’m gonna lose it. Your cunt feels so damn good rippling against my cock, baby. Come for me, Parris. Come for me now!”
Jase pressed his finger against the hard nub of her clit, and he had a few moments to revel in her screaming his name in ecstasy and her body jolting with the power of her orgasm before she pulled him over the edge of the world, roaring her name as he fell.
Chapter 8
Rhys had never been so fucking turned on in his life, but he was quite happy to simply stay as he was for as long as Parris needed him, too. After the most intense sexual experience of his life to date, watching his brother take their mate for the first time, Parris had zoned out again, and Rhys had pulled her up against his chest, cuddling her as she rested. Jase theorized that it wasn’t that she was losing consciousness, but more like that she is so into the moment and had given herself so completely to them, that she seemed to find a deep level of contentedness and languid joy that made it appear that she had slipped into unconsciousness. He likened it to a type of subspace the likes of which a submissive would find with his or her dom.
“Christ, I have never seen anything more beautiful than our mate surrendering like she does when she comes,” Rhys murmured, his eyes never leaving Parris’s face.
Jase sighed as he lifted up onto his elbow on the opposite side of her and gave Rhys a shit-eating grin. “Wait until you feel her come around your dick, that’s the best fucking feeling in the world.”
Rhys flipped him off, as Jase laughed, no doubt amused at the blue-balls syndrome Rhys was experiencing in that moment, but he hadn’t the heart to wake her. She looked so at peace. “Yeah, well, as much as I am looking forward to feeling that for myself, brother, our mate needs rest. I can just take a long cold shower for like the next eight hours.”
Jase chuc
kled, but even over the sound of his brother’s mirth, he heard the tinkling giggle from his mate.
“You two are funny,” Parris said in a voice a little raspy from the screaming she had been doing not too long ago. “And although I applaud your apparent willpower, unfortunately, mine is not as strong.”
Parris grinned, and Rhys wondered at the glint of mischief in her eye for a split second before he felt her little hand wrap around his dick. He groaned as she stroked him from root to tip. “I want this, and I want it now. Give it to me?”
Rhys grinned at the mockingly innocent eye flutters she flashed at him, and damn it, they were working. He had always thought it a farce that some women thought that all they had to do to get what they wanted from a man was to bat their eyelashes. And now, he found himself willing to exactly what the beauty currently batting her lashes at him wanted him to do. The fact that he wanted to exactly what she asked of him more than he wanted to take his next breath definitely had a lot to do with it.
Rhys pulled her up and over him. “Darlin’, all you had to do was ask. I’m all yours.” Rhys lifted his hands above his head and shot Parris a look filled with challenge.
Parris’s eyes widened as she moved to sit up, and Rhys gritted his teeth and forced himself not to react as the move rubbed her wet, hot pussy up and over the hard ridge of his cock.
“So, I get to have my wicked way with you? Is that what you’re telling me, lover?”
Rhys nodded and tensed all his muscles as Parris ran her hands up over her body and into her hair, lifted the black silk, and flicked it all behind her. He felt the ends of her hair tickling his thighs. Swallowing hard, he waited to see what she would do next.
Parris knelt, and Rhys’s gaze followed her hand as she reached between them to grip his cock. He growled as she used her thumb to run the drop of pre-cum that had leaked around the head of his erection.