The Trouble with Parris [Grey River 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9
“Well, the first thing I really want to do is this.”
Rhys couldn’t stop the growl of joy that erupted from him as Parris closed her eyes and then lowered herself over him, rolling her hips a couple of times before she had taken every inch he had to give her.
He watched her face for any sign of discomfort. Tonight was the first time she had ever made love to anyone, and he and Jase weren’t exactly small. Seeing nothing to indicate she was uncomfortable, he watched as passion filled Parris’s face and she nibbled on her bottom lip in the way he loved.
“Hmmm, you feel so good inside me. Just as fantastic as Jase but different.”
Parris rose up onto a little then dropped back down. Rhys groaned at the sensation and gripped onto the blanket above his head. She started a tentative rhythm, and Rhys had to grit his teeth. The sensation of her lifting and lowering herself over him was driving him crazy. He wanted nothing more than to grab her hips and thrust up into her, and drive them both to screaming their completion, but he wanted to give her this, to allow her to feel what it was like to be in complete control.
Just as Rhys was about to beg for mercy, Parris stilled above him. Her breathing was fast.
“Rhys, I need more, but I don’t know how…”
Rhys felt his heart turn over at her plea. He reached up and gripped her hips like he had longed to and then lifted her slightly above him, holding her steady. “Then let me show you, darlin’,” he whispered, and then he began to move the way he had been wanting to from the moment she had taken him into her body. He planted his feet against the floor and thrust up into her.
“Oh God!” Parris cried out, and her eyes widened. “Holy shit. That’s it. That’s what I want!”
Rhys growled as he slammed into her harder and faster pounding them both toward completion. Her hands flew out a little as if she was looking for something to grip onto to, trying desperately to anchor to something.
“Jase!” Rhys called out down their link.
“I’ve got her,” Jase sent back, and Rhys saw him move up behind Parris. Jase reached around their mate and pulled her back into his chest, the move having the added advantage of allowing Rhys to watch her pussy take his dick with each thrust.
“Fuck, you are so damn beautiful,” Jase said, his voice loud enough to be heard over Parris’s cries of pleasure and Rhys’s continuous sounds of pleasure. Rhys knew he would be able to hold on much longer. Parris’s hot, wet pussy was already rippling around his cock, and he knew he was going to come just as soon as he felt the first squeeze that signaled his mates climax.
“Rhys!” Parris screamed, and he knew it was over.
Her muscles rippled around his cock, and he slammed up into her one final time as he roared her name in return. He shook and jerked as he released inside her. At that moment, claimed or not, Rhys knew he had given her more of himself than she had yet to realize. At that moment, he had also given her his heart.
* * * *
Parris awoke pressed between her two men and with a delicious ache radiating throughout her. So this is what it meant in Melaina’s books when the woman would claim to have been well loved. Parris smiled at the thought. She didn’t know if emotionally she was ready to name the feelings she felt within her for Jase and Rhys, but physically she definitely felt well loved.
“I love that smile on your face, darlin’.”
Parris’s smile broadened, and she opened her eyes to look up at Rhys. “You should. You and Jase had a lot to do with putting it there.”
Jase pressed tighter against her back, and Parris shivered when she felt the slide of his full erection against her butt.
“That seems only fair, sweetness. I’ve got something that you had a lot to do with creating myself.”
Parris laughed at the obvious joke, and judging by Rhys’s exaggerated eye roll, he wasn’t too impressed with his brother’s wit or play on words.
“Jesus, Jase,” Rhys said as he shook his head. “That was fucking painful! Was that the best thing you could think of to say? It’s the morning after the most amazing night of our lives, we are lying here with our beautiful beyond compare mate pressed between us, and you attempt to be funny?”
Jase pushed up on his elbow so he could see Rhys across her, and Parris realized she was in danger of being ignored.
“Dude, first, that was more cute than funny. Parris laughed, so I call it a win. I figure I have a humor that requires a minimum level of intelligence to comprehend, and apparently you don’t quite make the cut.”
Parris pushed to lie on her back and stared up at the brothers as they began to smack talk each other, and Parris grinned. This was what she wanted for the rest of her life, love, and laughter in every moment of every day. And in the moments when there was no laughter to be had, she knew that it was the strength of that bond forged in love that would comfort her and lift her until she could laugh again.
With Melaina still out there battling to bring Pepper to Grey River and effectively end Aristos so that they would all be safe, Parris didn’t think there would be much to laugh about. But finding solace and a future in the arms of two wolf shifters who the Fates had destined she belong to, made laughing and loving a whole lot easier. Now all she had to do was bring their attention back to her, and luckily, she was knew exactly how to do it.
Suddenly she reached out with both hands, wrapped one hand around each of their fully aroused cocks, and began to rhythmically stroke them in unison. The jibing and sibling smack talk that had been taking place over her head ended suddenly on dual groans of pleasure.
“Do I have your attention?” Parris was surprised at the husky timbre in her voice. “I would really hate to have to repeat myself.” Parris added a twist of both wrists, and Rhys and Jase cursed at the same time, and Parris had to admit, the heady rush of power she had at this moment, was pretty damn addicting.
“I am feeling the need to be pressed between my men, and I want to know what it feels like to have one of you in my pussy, fucking me with everything you’ve got in you while I take the other in my mouth. And just to make things interesting, let’s so who can make the others come first. The winner, the one who can hold on the longest, gets to set the rules around the next game.”
“Deal,” Rhys grated out.
Jase moved down and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her shoulder. “I’m in as well little minx. The trouble with you, Parris, is that you know exactly which buttons to push to drive us crazy.”
Rhys barked a laugh that sounded a little breathless and slightly strained. “And, Parris, love, I have to warn you that if you push that button a little harder, you’re going to get more than you bargained for.”
Parris giggled as she gave them both one last strong stroke of her hand. “The funny thing about that, Rhys, is I’m bargaining for a hell of a lot!”
Parris’s laughter ended with a squeal as she was quickly lifted from the bed, and in a show of strength that left her breathless, Jase lifted her to stand beside the bed and positioned himself standing close behind her.
“There is something you should know about Rhys and me, sweetness,” Jase said directly into her ear as he pressed himself flush against her. “We are two of the most competitive wolves in Grey River.”
Parris shivered as she felt Jase graze his teeth over her ear lobe. She lifted her gaze to the man moving to sit in front of her. Rhys grinned, and Parris bit her lip as she read the anticipation and heightened arousal in his gaze.
“And considering how competitive the other men are in this town,” Rhys said as he settled on the side of the bed in front of her. “That is saying something.”
Parris cried out as Jase wrapped his hand in her hair, pulling her head back firmly, but not enough to cause her any pain. She would never have believed that she would have stood still and let a man tug her hair back, exposing her throat to a deadly strike like that before she came to Grey River. And now, not only was she standing still and accepting it, her body temperature was on th
e way up, and she felt her pussy release a pulse of hot cream.
Jase inhaled deeply, the sound loud in her ear. “Damn, I can smell your soft, hot little cunt getting ready for me.”
Parris groaned she felt Jase reached a hand around her hip and slid his fingers through the wetness gathering there.
“Sweet Jesus,” he groaned in her ear. “You are so damn wet for us. I don’t know how the hell we got so lucky, but I am not going to question the Fates. I’m simply going to thank God that you’re ours. Lean forward, baby. You laid down a challenge we can’t wait to take up.”
Jase’s warm hand pressed gently against the skin of her back, gently pushing her forward. Parris shifted her legs apart at the gentle nudge of his foot and, going completely on a feminine instinct she hadn’t known she possessed, she arched her back. From his growl of appreciation and the convulsive flex of his fingers on her hips, Parris figured that was the right thing to do.
Summoning her inner sex kitten, Parris smiled sultrily and placed her hands on Rhys’s thighs, reveling in the hard flex of muscle her touch inspired. She nudged his knees apart and was about to say something Rhys deserving something for good behavior, but just at that moment, Jase pressed inside her in one sure thrust.
“Oh God!” Parris moaned at the full feeling. “Jase, baby, you feel so damn good inside me.”
Jase leaned over and rasped close to her ear, “The feeling is definitely fucking mutual my love.” Parris pushed back to meet his thrusts as he pulled gently from her then slid home gently. “I was the first one to feel the tight grip of your cunt around my dick, but Rhys will be the first to have that hot mouth of yours wrapped around his. Now, if you want to have any hope of winning this bet, you had better get your mouth on Rhys. He’s the weakest link.”
“Fuck you, Jase,” Rhys grumped, but in a gently sweet move that belied the cranky growl in his voice, he reached out and softly swept her hair to the side. Rhys stared so intently at her, Parris felt it like a physical touch within her. “I’d like to say he’s lying babe, but just the thought of having those full red lips wrapped around me has me harder than I have ever been. So take me in, darlin’. Show me what I mean to you.”
Doing her best to hold her quickly approaching orgasm at bay, Parris leaned in and licked Rhys from root to tip with her flattened tongue. His groan of appreciation and the tensing of his thigh muscles beneath her fingers telling her that he liked what she had done. This was the first time she would pleasure one of her men with her mouth, and she wanted to do it well.
Taking the taste of him into her mouth, she let his flavor roll around in her mouth for a moment. She gave her own small sound of approval as she relished the taste of him. She licked him a further two times to bring more of his unique salty taste for her to enjoy, and she was so lost in enjoying it, she almost missed that he had started to shake.
“Shit! Goddamn,” Rhys growled.
Parris tilted her head to look up at him. The raw look of lust and arousal in his face lending him an almost savage look and Parris couldn’t help but smile at his predicament.
“Baby, I love this teasing vixen kinda thing you got going on here, I really do. But if you don’t get your mouth on me soon, I’m gonna go fucking crazy!”
Parris gasped, and she felt her arousal level increase again. The tenuous hold she’d had on her burgeoning arousal now completely gone.
“Hell yeah, Parris.” Jase’s voice was a deep rumble from behind her. “You liked that little pop I just gave your ass, huh, my love?”
Parris groaned and whimpered at the heat that radiated from the right side of her ass. She would never have thought it for herself, but apparently she liked a little butt slap.
“Damn, me, too. Now, stop teasing, and let’s get this little game kicked into high gear!”
With that, Jase gripped her thighs and began to thrust into her with a steady rhythm that would have her coming fast. Not wanting to lose the bet she had made, she leaned down and swallowed as much of Rhys as she could without gagging.
“Fuuuck!” Rhys roared from above her, and she felt him wind his hands into her hair.
She hesitated for a moment, nervous that he would force her to move to his rhythm, but she should have known better. Rhys would never take control from her like that. He simply cradled her head and gently massaged her scalp. Parris set her rhythm, sliding down over Rhys and swirling her tongue around the head of his cock.
Rhys was a large man and had a cock that matched his physique, and she knew she would never be able to get her lips to meet his stomach, so she used her hand to massage the base of him, whilst she worked the top and, in particular, his head with her mouth and lips, using her teeth gently and applying suction on every up stroke.
Rhys was soon growling constantly and had lost the ability to form words. Parris, herself, was drowning in a sea of feeling and moaned continuously around his cock as Jase drove his into her harder and faster. Soon Jase’s rhythm faltered until he was pounding into her frantically, groaning harshly from behind her. When Parris felt Rhys swell with her mouth, and his hips came off the bed slightly, despite the flurry of pleasure swirling around in her head, she truly thought for sure she would win the bet.
But then Jase press his thumb against her back entrance, and Parris froze at the foreign but extremely pleasurable sensation of pressure there. When he added another pop to her ass, she was lost. Parris screamed around Rhys’s dick as she flew into the center of a tornado that represented the largest orgasm she had experienced to date. She swallowed instinctively when she felt a shot of liquid burst into her mouth and vaguely understood that Rhys had come, too.
Seconds later, she heard Jase roar her name and knew that he had come just a moment after she and Rhys, and this triggered another wave of delicious pulses of pleasure to course through her. Just before the warm and welcoming darkness that always claimed her when she had been well loved by her men, Parris had the thought that this was one time she didn’t mind losing.
Chapter 9
“So, Doc, tell us you’ve got some good news for us,” Jase said as he sat down on the comfy leather sofa Chris had in his office. He reached over, plucked Parris’s hand from her lap, and gripped it, and Rhys held tightly to her other hand. It was easy to tell that their mate was nervous. Parris had now been living with them for a month and had not had one single seizure episode. Chris was keeping a close eye on her, and today they were here to get the results of her latest brain scan.
Chris sat down across from them and placed a file on the coffee table between them. “It’s definitely not bad news, that’s for sure.”
He grinned and Jase felt some of the anxiety and nervous tension that had been flowing through his veins all morning seep away.
“I’m not going keep the three of you hanging. I’m just going to come right out and tell you. The latest tests have come back telling me that the bleeding has stopped.”
Jase felt Parris shudder beside him and he swiftly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and shuffled slightly closer. He felt the couch shift slightly as Rhys mirrored the move.
“That’s good news right?” Parris asked in a quiet voice.
Chris grinned and sat forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “That is very good news! Basically, this gives us two pieces of information. It tells us that the seizures are triggered by you using your power. If you don’t use your powers, then the lesions have the time to heal to the point that the bleeding stops.”
Jase frowned at that, an edge of his earlier anxiety creeping down his spine. “But they are still there?”
Chris grimaced slightly and nodded. “Yes, they are still there, and to answer the question I can see in your eyes, Parris, is, yes, that means the danger is still there. There are different types of lesions, but yours are different from all of them. Yours have something I have never seen before. I would love to be able to send your file and information to some neurologist friends of mine—”
nbsp; “But you won’t.”
Chris shot him a glare. “No, Jase, I won’t. I know the risks and the dangers, and there is no way I would put a pack mate in danger like that. Now”—Chris turned his gaze back to his mate—“as I was saying, your lesions are unlike any I have seen or can find in my research. I have found similarities to a vascular lesion that forms as the result of a stroke.”
“A stroke!” Parris cried. “I’ve already been having strokes?”
Chris shook his head quickly. “No. I said that there are similarities. You do not exhibit any other signs of someone who has suffered a stroke. And this is not all bad news. There are treatments that we can try that have had fantastic results in healing lesions in stroke victims.”
“And if the treatments fail?”
Jase heard the dread in his mate’s voice, and although he wanted to shout at Chris not to answer the question, he knew they needed to know.
“Then the danger is that one of the lesion’s ruptures. There is no danger at the moment while they lie dormant. As long as you refrain from using your abilities, then the lesions will not grow. But if something happens and one of those lesion’s ruptures, then there is the very real chance that you will bleed out before I can do anything about it.”
Jase sat there staring at his pack mate, fighting the urge to leap across the table and rip out his tongue for talking about him losing his mate. Jase felt a strange mix of pain, loss, and determination begin to flood through him. He frowned as he looked within him to see where this was coming from. A continuous low growl began to rumble through his chest when he realized that the emotions were coming from his mate.
“Parris, I gotta tell you, babe, that if you are thinking what I think you are, then we are going to be moving from erotic spanking to a full-on punishment pretty damn fast.” Jase’s wolf was clear in his voice. His anger rose to match his concern when Parris let go of his and Rhys’s hands and pushed up from the couch.